
Buck Turner
May 21, 202119 min read
How The Heart Breaks - Progress Update
So, many of you have started reading my latest novel, How The Heart Breaks. As you are aware, I modified the release schedule for this...
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Buck Turner
Apr 27, 20212 min read
Evergreen - Episodes Now Available on Amazon
In the spirit of producing content on a regular basis, I have been working this year on episodes for a variety of series such as Silver...
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Buck Turner
Mar 31, 202117 min read
Latest Romance Novel - How the Heart Breaks
Okay, so I'm working on my latest romance novel, How the Heart Breaks, and wanted to share the first chapter with you. I'll be working on...
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Buck Turner
Mar 24, 20212 min read
Quantity vs. Quality
When it comes to writing today, there are two schools of thought. One says produce as much content as quickly as possible because readers...
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Buck Turner
Mar 17, 20211 min read
Novels vs. Serialized Fiction - Which do you prefer???
So, I'm toying with the notion of releasing my latest romance novel in installments. Serialized fiction is not a new concept, but it is...
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Buck Turner
Mar 10, 20211 min read
CommuniKate - Young Adult Paranormal Mystery Series
Okay, so something different today. From time to time, I like to change things up a bit, so today I'm going to talk about my young adult...
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Buck Turner
Feb 10, 20212 min read
Outlook 2021 - What Story is up Next?
Now that 2021 is firmly underway, I am setting my sights on how the year is going to shape up in terms of new releases. First, let me...
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Buck Turner
Feb 3, 20211 min read
Breaking the Genre Barrier
As writers, we‘re constantly told to choose the conventional path, which means choosing a genre and sticking to it. But what happens when...
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Buck Turner
Jan 4, 20212 min read
The Writing Process - What's It Like?
I get asked all the time about the process I use when for writing novels? Most readers or writers, for that matter, are interested in how...
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Buck Turner
Dec 15, 20201 min read
I'll Wait - The Companion Novel to The Long Road Back To You
As feedback has started to roll in from The Long Road Back To You, one of the asks was to hear the story from Anna's point of view. After...
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Buck Turner
Dec 13, 20201 min read
Thoughts on Companion Novels
What are your thoughts on companion novels? One way an author can avoid heading down the sequel road, and at the same time enrich the...
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Buck Turner
Dec 11, 20201 min read
So, What's Next?
If you're wondering what's next in terms of published works, I have several novels I've started, short stories too, and many ideas...
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Buck Turner
Dec 3, 20201 min read
Just Released - The Long Road Back To You
Yesterday, December 7, 2020, I officially released The Long Road Back To You. It can be purchased for Kindle through the Amazon Store....
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